Attractions in Sannomiya

Take a look at our list of some of the best attractions in the Sannomiya area.

Make sure to check back regularly as we are always adding new content to each of these areas to try to offer the best and most up to date information to help you make the right choice.

Kobe’s National Treasure: Taisan-ji
Although Kobe’s downtown Sannomiya and Rokko areas have a variety of fascinating attractions and history, Nishi Ward on the far ...
A New View of Kobe from the Remm Plus Hotel
In October 2021, a years-long project to renew the Sannomiya Station area came to an end. The Remm Plus Hotel, ...
Kyuukyoryuuchi Map It is a historical location. The colonial design buildings create nostalgic ambience of Old Kobe. It is one ...
Toa West
Toa West Map West side of  Tor Road north of JR line.  The trendy fashion center of Kobe. There are ...
Sannomiya Center South Street
Map It is a car-free inner pedestrian just sound of Centergai. The street with small unique individual shops that are ...